Ideal Ways of Spending Time with your Kids at Home

It was easy to raise a kid when covid was not here.  Our fast-paced life used to balance our hardships, but now with all Work from home scenarios along with online classes for the kids is making it a real challenge. Sudden outburst is seen in kids due to no outside playtime. Children are vulnerable and we really need to opt for some methods to spend some quality time with them.  I have really grown as a parent in this lockdown. Here are some of the ways that have really worked for me in this lockdown.

1. Making crafts with them
When the lockdown started, I started to engage my daughter in making crafts and DIY. You need to let them take decisions on how they want their DIY to look. It will inculcate some creative thoughts in them. They will eventually try to do things on their own.

2. Bedtime Story telling
With full day working you need to make sure that you are spending some quality time with kids before putting them to sleep. It's always a good option to tell them moral stories at night. This way they will feel important. What I love the most is that I get cuddle time with my daughter. We talk about various things, which makes us closer.

3. Gardening
I make sure that I'm taking her help in various gardening chores, especially on weekends. She loves planting and watering plants. This has helped me to make her understand that plants are living things and they feel pain when we pluck flowers.

4. Cooking together
I like it when she is sitting and watching me cook. She is really little to actually help me but I make sure she feels important and I tell her to mix stuff for me. This has really helped me because now she offers help in other chores too. So, I am happy that she is kind enough to ask.

5. Walking and cycling
I always feel a need for physical activity, it makes her tired and it becomes easy to make them sleep. We can go on walks with the kids.

6. Playing board games
Another important way is to play board games. There are various board games and indoor games available. It creates a good bond between parents and kids.
These are my ways of spending time with my daughter and trust me these are tried and tested.

Article research and published by Sheenam Bhanot (Tutor at AcadPrime)

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